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Islamic Studies
Towards Understanding Islam
Abul A’ la Mawdudi
Ideals and Realities of Islam
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
An Introduction to Islam
Dr. Hamidullah
Islam at a Glance
Sadruddin Islahi
Islam: Its meaning and Message
Khurshid Ahmad
Islam in Transition: Muslim Perspectives
Donohue J, John A. and
Esposito L. John
Islam the Misunderstood Religion
Muhammad Qutub
Let Us be Muslims
Khurram Murad
Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts in Islam
Islamic Law and Constitution
Abul A’ la Mawdudi
Allama Muhammad Iqbal
Umer Chapra
Islam and the Economic Challenge
Islam at the Crossroad
Muhammad Asad
Islami Nazriya e Heyat
Quranic Sciences Afzalur Rahman
Khurshid Ahmad
Islam Aur
Tahzeeb -e -Maghrib Ki Kash Makash
Dr Muhammad Ameen
Islami Tehzeeb Kay Chund Darakhshan Pehloo
Mustafa Sabali
Muslim Contribution to Science & Culture
Muhammad Abdur Rahman Khan
Aurat Maghrib aur Islam
Serwat Jamal Asmai
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